After the Tampa Bay Times caught Privileged Patrick attempting to delay news about algae relief for his own political gain, his name surfaced in this morning’s Politico Pro report regarding Democrat Senate candidates who write blatant instructions to super PACs on their websites:

You don’t have to look hard to find out how Democratic Senate candidates want their outside allies to spend money this year. The party’s candidates in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and elsewhere are posting thinly veiled notes on their websites with hints, tips and flat-out instructions for supportive outside groups about how best they can help. The pages include not only messaging information but suggestions about which media markets in the states would make the best targets for those messages…In Florida, Rep. Patrick Murphy ‘s campaign has a clear message for supportive outside groups, potentially including the DSCC and a super PAC funded by his family.

Exactly three hours later, Harry Reid – Privileged Patrick’s other sugar daddy, picked up on those instructions.

In "perhaps the clearest sign yet that insurgent liberal Rep. Alan Grayson (D) is a threat to Murphy in the Aug. 30 primary," The Washington Post reports that Senate Majority PAC will waste its precious resources by meddling in a Democrat primary for the first time — ever:

The leading Democratic Senate super PAC is planning to hit the airwaves in Florida next week with its first ever television ads in a Democratic primary…For a group like Senate Majority PAC to have to spend in a primary is not ideal, since its ultimate goal is to focus on winning seats and a majority in the general election. The money it is spending in the Florida primary is money that could go to another contest…this marks the first time the group will be advertising in a Democratic primary.

Murphy – the hypocrite who "hates super PACs" and once called the role of money in politics "absolutely gross" and "disgusting," now cannot survive his own primary without forcing Senate Majority PAC to drag him across the finish line.

It doesn’t take a CPA to figure out what this historic influx of DC cash means: Patrick Murphy’s campaign is in dire trouble.

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