This time from Keith Burris, a columnist for the Toledo Blade who charges that Strickland has been “largely invisible” and “disappointing, to put it mildly.”

Burris joins a growing list of Ohioans offering biting criticism to Strickland and his poorly run campaign. Here’s a few from just the last 5 days:

From Keith Burris, in case you missed it:

Strickland’s higher duty

The Toledo Blade | By Keith C. Burris

A few months ago, thanks to Carty Finkbeiner, I met Ted Strickland.

But since that meeting Mr. Strickland has been disappointing, to put it mildly. He has put on hardly any campaign at all. He has been largely invisible, both personally and on the issues.

And now he has said publicly that he would rather not debate his primary opponent, P.G. Sittenfeld.

I think Mr. Strickland is making a mistake, both for himself and for the voters.

Mr. Sittenfeld has, meanwhile, emerged as a pretty good candidate. He speaks to issues plainly and has made a particular issue out of gun control.

He needs to tell us. He needs to get into “the arena” as Teddy Roosevelt called it.

I understand Mr. Strickland’s political strategy: Don’t legitimize P.G.; save energy and money for the fall; use the present time to raise funds. But this is a small-ball strategy. And it has hurt Mr. Strickland’s image AND his fund-raising. Again, a good fight makes you stronger. Hiding makes you look like a wimp.

I also think there is a higher duty here.

We live in a time when voters don’t vote, politicians mostly blather, and many important questions and races go uncontested. Ted Strickland is a statesman, not a hack. I would expect him to engage for the sake of democracy and the health of public life in Ohio.

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