On Sunday, August 30, we’ll still be one year away from the Florida senate primary election. Don’t forget – the DSCC quickly endorsed in this race in order to avoid the disaster that’s playing out before their very eyes. Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson took the gloves off long ago, and we can look forward to another year of stories like these:
Tampa Bay Times: “Alan Grayson And Patrick Murphy Go At Each Other In Democratic U.S. Senate Primary.”
National Journal: “Alan Grayson and his campaign have lit into Patrick Murphy for months. Murphy’s campaign is already returning the favor.”
“Earlier this month, Murphy’s campaign launched its toughest attack to date against Grayson, going after his business arrangements in an effort to undermine his progressive credentials.”
"In interviews with the press following his entry to the race, Grayson called Murphy—a former registered Republican—a ‘theoretical Democrat’ and an ‘errand boy for Wall Street.’”
- “‘He is a nothing as a congressman, he is a nothing as a human being, he is wrong on all the issues, so all he has left is to desperately try to throw dirt at me,’ said Grayson.”
Florida Politics: “Recently Grayson has been taken to criticizing his closest challenger…‘He’s a nobody. He does nothing.’”
Orlando Sentinel: “Grayson’s personal finances…have been the subject of sharp criticism by his opponent…and charges brought formal ethics complaints filed by supporters of Murphy.”
Saint PetersBlog: “Patrick Murphy Takes On Alan Grayson On The Issue Of His Hedge Funds.”
- “South Florida U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy is taking off the gloves in what is already an intense campaign between himself and Alan Grayson for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, which won’t take place for another year.”
Orlando Political Observer: “Grayson Slams Murphy Over Accusations Of Personal Finance Conflict.”
Palm Beach Post: “Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson‘s first web ad rips his Senate primary rival, Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter, over a website that ranked Murphy among the ‘least effective’ members of Congress.”
Washington Times: “On the left, liberal firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson upset Democratic officials’ plans when he announced he would challenge Rep. Patrick Murphy, the party establishment’s pick, in the primary.”
- “Mr. Murphy has begun to hit back, raising questions last week about Mr. Grayson’s management of a series of hedge funds he controls.”
WUSF: “Grayson has been going after Murphy…and even suggested he watch the Schoolhouse Rock video ‘I’m Just A Bill’ to try to learn how to do his job.”
Tampa Bay Times: “Alan Grayson Smacks Patrick Murphy Over Benghazi."
- Orlando Political Observer: “‘Murphy is a Wall Street errand boy pretending to be a Democrat.’”
Democrats should brace themselves. This is going to be ugly.