She’ll be raising money from California liberals in San Francisco later today. On Monday, she’ll stand side by side at a fundraiser with President Obama and Harry Reid.
And she’s apparently been very busy studying Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. After announcing that she was studying the deal over in July, Cortez Masto hasn’t said a single word about it in over a month.
- “I will take the coming days to review the proposed agreement.” (Catherine Cortez Masto Press Release, 7/14/15)
“Catherine Cortez Masto won’t say a word about Obama’s nuclear giveaway to Iran, but she has time to rub elbows with the president and raise money with San Francisco liberals,” said NRSC spokesman Greg Blair. “This is the clearest sign yet that Cortez Masto will be nothing but a rubber stamp for the Obama-Reid agenda. The last thing Nevadans need is another senator who will put Washington first.”
A New CNN/ORC Poll Says Most Americans Want Congress To Reject President Obama’s Iran Deal: As Congress inches closer to a vote to approve or disapprove of the deal, 56% of Americans now say they think Congress should reject the deal with Iran — up from 52% less than a month ago — according to the latest CNN/ORC poll released Thursday. And 6-in-10 Americans also disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of the U.S. relationship with Iran, according to the poll. (Jennifer Agiesta and Jeremy Diamond, “Poll: Most Americans Want Congress To Reject Iran Deal,” CNN, 8/20/15)
Cortez Masto’s Political Mentor Harry Reid Is Expected To Support The Deal: “Most expect Reid will back the deal, and offer a few reasons why he’s holding out.” (Alexander Bolton, “Reid Makes Obama Wait On Iran,” The Hill, 8/18/15)
Reid Has Given Cortez Masto An Excuse To Stay Silent: “Waiting a few more weeks also gives some breathing room to Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat running for Reid’s seat, who has yet to take a position on the deal.” (Alexander Bolton, “Reid Makes Obama Wait On Iran,” The Hill, 8/18/15)