Yesterday marked the start of another lawsuit for another Chicago politician as Tammy Duckworth’s lawsuit for silencing whistleblowers kicked off. Duckworth, however, was unable to silence the devastating coverage surrounding her pre-trial hearing:
Associated Press: State workers’ suit against Duckworth spills into Senate bid
A civil lawsuit alleging ethics violations nearly a decade ago has become an issue in a Democratic congresswoman’s bid…The complaint alleging workplace retaliation was filed by two employees of a southern Illinois veterans’ home against Tammy Duckworth, now a Chicago area congresswoman who at the time led the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.
Associated Press: Illinois state workers to testify in Duckworth veterans’ home lawsuit
A Union County Circuit Court judge today scheduled depositions from two state workers alleging retaliation from U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth when she was in charge of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs…A judge has scheduled depositions from Christine Butler and Denise Goins in late August. Butler and Goins claim Duckworth and a veterans home administrator in Anna mistreated them and broke state ethics rules in 2006 and 2007.
Capitol Fax: Duckworth: “I screwed up"
“Rep. Duckworth fired a whistleblower and then admitted her wrongdoing to her co-workers. Instead of correcting her mistake, Duckworth doubled down on her poor decision and asked her subordinates to justify her misconduct,” said Nick Klitzing, Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party. “Illinois needs leaders who stand accountable for their actions and who right wrongs, not compound them.”
Capitol Fax: Duckworth heads to Israel as hearing held on “whistleblower” case
The NRSC released a new paid web video today to coincide with the beginning of Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth’s trial for silencing whistleblowers at the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. * The web video…
The Daily Herald: Duckworth whistle-blowing hearing collides with campaign
A whistle-blower lawsuit dating back to U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth’s tenure as head of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs is set for an initial hearing Tuesday in a trial expected to play out next year during her pursuit of a U.S. Senate seat. The lawsuit stems from a 2009 complaint filed against Duckworth by two employees at the downstate Anna Veterans Home. They say Duckworth harassed them and caused them "emotional distress" after they reported ethics complaints against their boss.
Illinois Radio Network: A Union Co. Court Case May Impact U.S. Senate Race
Two employees of the Anna Veterans’ Home are suing U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth, a Democratic candidate looking to challenge republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk. The two workers claim Duckworth ignored their complaints about a superior during her time as director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs…A preliminary date for the Union County trial has been set for April 4, 2016, a few weeks after the Illinois primary.
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