All of that work just to set up yet another bloody Democratic primary.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the candidate they finally settled on to challenge Joe Sestak has a proven track record of putting politics before the people of Pennsylvania. Instead of spending her time working hard to come to a budget agreement that helps Pennsylvania families, Katie McGinty decided it was more important to travel to Martha’s Vineyard to attend a DSCC retreat packed with party bosses and lobbyists.
“Pennsylvania Democrats are so dissatisfied with Congressman Joe Sestak’s candidacy that they are now placing their bets on someone who finished dead last in a four way Democratic gubernatorial primary last year,” said NRSC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek. “It’s bad enough that McGinty is one of the main proponents of the largest tax hike in Pennsylvania history, but her decision to pursue her own political ambitions instead of continuing to work to solve Pennsylvania’s budget problems is proof positive she values her own self interest above that of Pennsylvania’s interests.”
In 2014, McGinty Came In Last Place To Receive The Democratic Nomination For Governor. (Pennsylvania Department Of State, Accessed 7/15/15)
McGinty: “This Is A Budget That Decisively Is Aiming To Deal With An Urgent Problem, And That Is Rebuilding The Middle Class And The Economy Of Pennsylvania.”(Christian Alexandersen, “Gov. Tom Wolf’s Chief Of Staff Promotes Budget Proposals,” The Patriot-News, 3/11/15)
If Enacted, Wolf’s Budget Would Become The “Largest Tax Hike In Pennsylvania History.” “Gov. Tom Wolf on Tuesday proposed a more than $30 billion state budget built on a wide-ranging tax restructuring plan that could, if enacted, become the largest tax hike in Pennsylvania history but significantly cut the school property tax.” (Brad Bumsted, “‘Time For Bold Change,’ Wolf Says In Outlining $30B State Budget,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 3/3/15)
Wolf’s Budget Increases The Income Tax By $2.3 Billion By Raising The Rate From 3.07 To 3.70 Percent, A 20.5 Percent Increase. “The biggest increase in tax revenues would come from a proposed hike in the personal income tax — the first in 11 years — to generate $2.3 billion next year. The flat tax would increase from 3.07 to 3.7 percent.” (Marc Levy and Peter Jackson, “Wolf Seeks Billions In Higher Taxes For Schools, Tax Revamp,” The Associated Press, 3/3/15)
Wolf’s Budget Increases The Sales Tax By $1.6 Billion By Raising The Rate Tax From 6.0 To 6.6 Percent. “The sales tax would go from 6 percent to 6.6 percent, and expand the tax to include 45 items that are now exempt. Wolf estimates the increase and expansion of the tax would raise an additional $1.6 billion over the nearly $8.1 billion the tax generated this year.” (Karen Shuey, “Does Gov. Tom Wolf’s Plan Help Or Hurt The Middle Class?” Lancaster Online, 3/8/15)