I don’t think we should look at Republicans as our enemies, they are our opposition, they are not our enemies.
That guidance, however, does not seem to have made it’s way to Democratic Senate candidate Ted Strickland.
As you may remember, in remarks on Monday that were described by media as “unsteady,” Ted Strickland called Senator Rob Portman his enemy:
Rob Portman is my enemy.
WATCH: Ted Strickland calls Rob Portman his enemy.
[youtube url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6xws3N-_80&feature=youtu.be&t=33"]
With Ted Strickland’s disastrous record as Governor, including Ohio’s highest unemployment rate in 25 years and more than 350,000 jobs lost, it’s no surprise that Strickland is already resorting to inflammatory rhetoric to distract from the facts.