The NRSC launched a new digital ad hammering high five Heidi Heitkamp for consistently voting against North Dakotans on the issues most important to them.
The new digital ad builds off the NRSC’s recent radio ad campaign, and highlights Heitkamp’s abysmal voting record and her high five celebration with New York Democrat Chuck Schumer after she voted no on banning abortion after 5 months. Despite her bipartisan rhetoric, Heitkamp has failed to represent the policies North Dakotans want. Heitkamp voted against the Republican tax cuts that are saving middle-class families money, opposed repealing Obamacare, was the deciding vote to keep the Obama administration’s harmful methane rule in place and voted against defunding sanctuary cities. No wonder she’s already losing in the polls.
The digital ad, which will be running statewide on Facebook, can be seen HERE.
“Heidi Heitkamp has made it her priority to side with Washington liberals and her Democratic Party bosses on the issues most important to North Dakotans,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “Voters are going to be reminded that when it comes to supporting North Dakota values, Heidi Heitkamp cannot be trusted.”