Claire McCaskill earned the praise of the people she’s really looking out for in the Senate, her friends and neighbors in Washington, DC, as the DC City Council thanked her for her efforts on the District’s behalf today.
The Council praised McCaskill for her endorsement earlier this week of DC statehood, ignoring the fact that McCaskill apparently thinks that DC doesn’t get to vote for president (they do). As a DC resident and homeowner, McCaskill must surely be proud of the work she’s doing on her adopted city’s behalf. Lucky for her, she’ll have even more time to be an advocate for Washingtonians after she is rejected by Missouri voters later this year.
“Congratulations to Claire McCaskill on her recognition for all the work she does on behalf of the District of Columbia,” said NRSC Spokesman Bob Salera. “McCaskill has always put DC first, never letting the concerns of Missouri voters get in the way of doing what’s best for Washington, DC.”