The NRSC released new paid Facebook petition ads this week which detail the close ties between Debbie Stabenow and #resistance leader Elizabeth Warren, who is back in the news after calling for a single-payer health care plan. Warren called socialized medicine “the next step” last week and encouraged fellow Democrats, like Stabenow, to run on her plan in 2018.
Obamacare has been a disaster, with costs soaring and choices dwindling across the country. But Warren’s solution is to go even further, with a single-payer health care system that would be absolutely devastating for Michigan families and businesses. Recent estimates place a $32 trillion price tag on Warren’s radical government-run health care idea. Debbie Stabenow has followed Warren in near-lockstep in the Senate, voting with her good friend 93% of the time. Will she also support Warren’s socialized health care plan?
The auto-play ads urge voters to tell Debbie Stabenow to oppose Warren’s single-payer plan. The ads will run statewide while Stabenow is home for the July 4th recess and throughout the month.
View a sample of the ad here.
“Debbie Stabenow and Elizabeth Warren are two peas in a pod, but Michigan families can’t afford a $32 trillion health care boondoggle,” said NRSC Communications Director Katie Martin. “Michiganders deserve to know if Debbie is going to sacrifice their well-being to support Elizabeth Warren and her extreme government-run health care plan.”