The latest YouGov/CBS battleground poll was released this morning, and it’s not good news for Retread Ted Strickland…

Rob Portman now leads Strickland by 7 points, 46-39.

Portman has expanded his lead from the same poll in July which is credited to Portman’s “consolidated support among independents (rising from 45% to 50%).”

The poll also notes that Strickland has had a hard time shoring up support among voters in coalitions that generally lean Democratic, as many of these groups have stated they now support Rob Portman. Over the last several weeks, Rob Portman has announced the support of the Ohio Conference of Teamsters, the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, the United Mine Workers of America, Local 18 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, as well as the Cuyahoga County chapter of Black Lives Matter.

Strickland’s falling poll numbers follow yet another bad week for his campaign. Strickland was criticized again in an editorial for his insensitive remark that Justice Scalia’s death “happened at a good time,” and he was caught on camera doubling down on his support for the Iran Deal and refusing to condemn the ransom payment that has rocked headlines for weeks.

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