The DSCC has already released a string of early endorsements:

"The DSCC has now endorsed Masto in NV, Strickland in OH and Murphy in FL. Haven’t seen this kind of active primary endorsing in awhile." – Aaron Blake, Washington Post

The DSCC has already endorsed Harry Reid’s handpicked successor,[Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada](""], retread Ted Strickland in Ohio, and most recently, the privileged Patrick Murphy in Florida.

While party insiders celebrate, rank-and-file Democrats are not happy.

The Florida Progressive Caucus immediately released a statementfollowing the DSCC’s endorsement:

“The idea that a senator from Montana and Wall Street Democrats knows better than rank-and-file Florida Democrats is both patronizing and unsurprising,” says Susan Smith, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President in a statement.

“Florida Democrats are looking to support a progressive candidate who will lead on big, bold economic populist ideas, not another politician who will do Wall Street’s bidding in Washington, ” Smith says.

This statement comes as no surprise, as Patrick Murphy has struggled to gain support from the Florida Progressive caucus in the past.

Rep. Alan Grayson, potential Florida Democratic primary contender, concurred

"…Voters choose our party nominee, not out-of-touch party bosses sipping cognac in a smoke-filled room in Washington, D.C."

In other states, grassroots Democrats continue to support candidates other than those officially endorsed by the DSCC:

In Ohio, P.G. Sittenfeld [refuses to back down](refuses”>”>refuses to back down), continuing to race toward a primary against DSCC-endorsed Ted Strickland.

In Nevada, Democrat Dina Titus is gearing up to challenge Catherine Cortez Masto.

And in California, Loretta Sanchez is preparing for a formal challenge to Kamala Harris, who though not officially endorsed by the DSCC is the clear party favorite.

It speaks volumes that Democrats are picking winners and losers this early in the 2016 cycle.

After a crushing defeat in 2014, national Democrats are desperate to avoid a gauntlet of brutal primaries by handpicking their candidates early, even if they are merely retreads of past elections.

While the DSCC scrambles to select "acceptable" candidates, they’re ignoring their grassroots supporters… a move that is likely to anger many rank-and-file Democrats and will likely lead to even more division and party infighting for Democrats.

It’s a bold strategy for the DSCC, but Republicans will likely benefit from such disorganization this early in the game.

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