[youtube url = "https://youtu.be/EY7iQl9E2QQ"]

At his first official fundraiser for 2016, Democrats protested Michael Bennet’s support of the Keystone XL pipeline. The Denver Post details these Democrats’ problems with Bennet:

"Senator Bennet has shown he’ll compromise his values for votes," said Russell Mendell of Boulder. "If he continues to do so, we’ll find a candidate who values their community."

Ryan Denham is a member of the organization 350 Action. He said Bennet’s vote would make sense if he were a climate-change skeptic, although Denham says the senator has said he is not.

"Not only did he vote for the pipeline, but he rejected Obama’s veto," said Denham, who lives in Denver. "If he does believe in climate change, he needs to not vote like a climate- change (sic) skeptic."

You can watch the protest in the above video. The Post reports that Bennet dodged the protesters:

Bennet was taken in through a back door and did not address the demonstrators. He did not respond to a request for comment left with his campaign manager.

This debacle is just a preview of what’s to come — since more Colorado voters are against Bennet than are for him.

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