Highly Effective Majority

The Republican Majority in the Senate has proven highly effective. With improvements in productivity and a ‘get-it-done’ attitude, the Republicans have passed more bills and made more progress on policy reform than the Democrat Majority before them.

The graph below compares the number of bills introduced by both sides. The numbers clearly show that Republicans have led and succeeded in getting both sides on board with new legislation. Under Republican leadership, the Majority is Working again.


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The individual progress of Republican senators to get current issues on the floor has been huge.Senator Ron Johnson took second place as one of the most productive members of our legislative body. According to the report,

”Sen. Johnson has sponsored 627 pages of legislation in this session that have successfully become law.”

In addition, Senator Roy Blunt and Senator Chuck Grassley, who both played huge roles in getting legislation passed for their constituents. Republican senators are devoted to getting their beneficial reforms through Congress and finding bipartisan solutions when necessary.

With a Republican majority, more of these positive reforms are becoming law. The senators from the Republican party have introduced more bills and have worked harder to compromise with the Democrats in order to continue passing strong reforms for American families.

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