Washington, D.C. – Democrats should be on their A-game in Wisconsin as they try to keep their slim majority. Unfortunately for them, they aren’t.
As National Journal put it: “Democrats are struggling to raise money in the state’s [Wisconsin] critical Senate race and are privately concerned about the electability of their leading candidates.”
Yikes. Guess that’s what happens when their top Senate candidates in the state are panderers to progressives, and include resume embellishers – like Mandela Barnes and Sarah Godlewski – and a spoiled, rich kid from NYC – Alex Lasry. Not to mention, they’re all tax cheats.
Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “If the Wisconsin Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate continue to cave to Washington liberals and pander to radical liberals, Republicans will be very happy next November. Since we don’t see them changing course anytime soon, Democrats are rightfully concerned.”