Patrick Murphy has earned his reputation as a do-nothing Congressman – one nonpartisan congressional tracker named him as one of the least effective members in the country.
Now Murphy, who draws a $174,000 taxpayer-funded salary for doing, well, not much, says America leads the world in ‘greed and selfish behavior.’
“Democratic Florida Rep. Patrick Murphy, who is running for U.S. Senate to replace Marco Rubio, has had a rough couple of weeks. First, he channeled Neville Chamberlain’s infamous ‘peace in our time’ rhetoric when he endorsed the Iran deal. And now, in a local interview that aired on Sunday, he declared that ‘America has topped the world, in many ways, [in] greed and selfish behavior.’ (Matt Lewis, “Patrick Murphy: America Tops The World In ‘Greed And Selfish Behavior,’” Daily Caller, 9/9/15)
Statement from NRSC spokesman Greg Blair: “Privileged Patrick Murphy is banking a hefty taxpayer-funded salary despite his status as one of the least effective members of Congress – and now he’s asking voters for a promotion. Murphy is certainly an expert in greed and selfish behavior, but he might have a little more credibility if he fought for anything in Washington other than keeping his schedule clear.”