Career politician Sherrod Brown was one of the leaders of Senate Democrats’ dishonest, but unsuccessful, crusade against the Republican tax cut plan. And this afternoon he’s left with egg on his face as it’s becoming clear that tax relief is already working for Ohioans.

Following high-profile announcements by Wells FargoBoeing and AT&T of new investments in U.S. workers following the passage of the tax cut this afternoon, Cincinnati’s own Fifth Third Bank followed suit. Fifth Third Bank announced that, as a result of the tax plan, it would pay a $1,000 bonus to more than 13,500 employees, and would raise the minimum hourly wage for its workforce to $15. Even before the law officially takes effect, the announcements by Fifth Third and other major employers are exposing just how dishonest Sherrod Brown and his Democrat colleagues in Washington have been throughout the tax debate.

“As Ohio families and businesses see firsthand that the Republican tax cut plan is working for them, career politician Sherrod Brown will have some explaining to do,” said NRSC Spokesman Bob Salera. “Senator Brown’s dishonest tax rhetoric will come back to haunt him as he attempts to justify his vote against a law that will put more money in Ohioans’ pockets and provide a much-needed boost to our economy.”

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