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This comes on the heels of several other big endorsements for Sittenfeld including prominent Summit County democrats, and former House Democratic Majority Leader Tracy Maxwell Heard’s impromptu endorsement on WBNS’s Face the State.

This also follows countless editorials calling for Retread Ted to debate his primary opponent:

  • The Blade: “Debate, Mr. Strickland” (Editorial, 2/4/16)

  • The Plain Dealer: "Ted Strickand’s telling no-show on City Club debate” (Editorial, 1/20/16)

  • Akron Beacon Journal: "Ted Strickland makes the case for why he should debate P.G. Sittenfeld” (Editorial, 1/17/16)

  • Akron Beacon Journal: “Let’s have debates, Democrats” (Editorial, 1/7/16)

  • Akron Beacon Journal: “Let’s have debates between P.G. Sittenfeld and Ted Strickland” (Editorial, 12/3/15)

  • The Blade: "Open to debate: The Ohio Democratic Party should embrace, not ignore, the opportunity Mr. Sittenfeld’s campaign provides" (Editorial, 8/3/15)
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