Jacky Rosen’s latest FEC report revealed she was very busy last quarter doing what she does best—raising money in California!

Rosen, who has repeatedly jetted off to California to raise cash from the Hollywood elite, took big money from a who’s who of Hollywood glitterati, and once again raised more from Californians than Nevadans. Here are just a few of the famous folks who donated to Nevada’s version of Nancy Pelosi:

“With how frequently Jacky Rosen is in Hollywood, you would think she’s pitching a movie script, not running for U.S. Senate,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “Rosen’s reliance on out of touch liberals to fund her radical campaign is the latest sign she’s too extreme for the Silver State.”


  • 24.68 Percent Of Rosen’s Itemized Second Quarter Contributions Came From California. (Rosen For Nevada, Federal Election Commission, 05/24/2018 – 06/30/2018)
  • 17.57 Percent Of Rosen’s Itemized Second Quarter Contributions Came From Nevada. (Rosen For Nevada, Federal Election Commission, 05/24/2018 – 06/30/2018)
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