In case you missed it, The Columbus Dispatch’s Jessica Wehrman details how “Retread” Ted Strickland went from “prized recruit” to being abandoned by national Democrats.
Ted Strickland struggles after Democrats thought he’d be ideal candidate
The Columbus Dispatch
Ted Strickland once was thought to be a prized recruit for Democrats hoping to win back the U.S. Senate in November. Any list of potential Democratic Senate victors had Strickland’s name in it.
But now, with two months until Election Day, the former Ohio governor seems like a more improbable victor by the day, and Democrats who once listed Strickland as a key to winning back the Senate are looking elsewhere.
Dwarfed in fundraising by incumbent Sen. Rob Portman, trailing in the polls, Strickland’s latest setback came Tuesday, when the Senate Majority PAC, a super PAC aimed at electing Democrats to the Senate announced it was pulling advertising from that race from Sept. 20 through Oct. 10.
“On paper this should have turned out differently,” said Nathan Gonzales of the D.C.-based Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report.
“Strickland can be a very uneven candidate,” said Jennifer Duffy of the D.C.-based Cook Political Report.
“Hope springs eternal,” said Democratic consultant Jim Manley. “But this is looking a little dicey right now.”
But not only did the Senate Majority PAC pull $3 million worth of spending this week, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee last week shifted $500,000 from its own TV buy in Ohio to help finance a Strickland TV ad already on the air.