In case you missed it, The Associated Press outlined why Democrats are backing away from Strickland’s campaign “as the shine rapidly fades” and his “cash-strapped campaign” cancels ads across the state.


With Strickland, Democrats’ hopes of Ohio US Senate win fade

Associated Press | Julie Carr Smyth

Some Ohio Democrats are exhibiting buyer’s remorse as the shine rapidly fades from Ted Strickland’s once-promising campaign against Republican U.S. Sen. Rob Portman.

The 75-year-old former governor had high name recognition and strong support from labor, earning him the backing of Democratic party leaders in his primary against 31-year-old Cincinnati Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld. Months later, Portman, 60, is comfortably ahead in opinion polls, and national Democrats are pulling millions of dollars in planned pro-Strickland ad spending out of the state.

Strickland’s cash-strapped campaign has been forced to cancel ads in several cities, focusing remaining resources in the critical Cleveland and Columbus markets.

Democrats’ diminishing hopes and investment in Ohio come as their prospects may be dimming nationally of retaking the Senate, which would require picking up five seats, or four if they keep the White House, since the vice president casts tie-breaking votes.

Strickland detractors accurately predicted what came next: Republicans revisited the 2010 campaign Strickland lost to Republican John Kasich — the recessionary job losses, the tax increases and the draining of the rainy-day fund. Some $43 million in ads by outside groups — led by the billionaire Koch brothers’ Freedom Partners Action Fund — resurrect his governorship in grainy spots calling him a "job killer" who "made our lives harder."

Besides Strickland’s sluggish fundraising — $6.6 million raised, compared to Portman’s $14 million — he’s made a couple of verbal gaffes, lost several key endorsements and suffered from a perception that he lacks Portman’s pace and passion.

Eckart conceded, too, that Portman’s campaign is "one of the best campaigns in the country right now," having succeeded in portraying Portman as "more human than Mother Teresa" for his work against opiate addiction.

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