Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the NRSC and the Bolduc campaign released a new ad that focuses on Maggie Hassan’s lockstep voting record with Joe Biden and his agenda that has led to rising crime, open borders, and historic inflation. 

New Hampshire voters have a choice between continuing the failed Biden/Hassan agenda and General Don Bolduc, an American hero who will be a champion for New Hampshire, not President Biden.

Statement from NRSC Chairman Rick Scott: “Maggie Hassan doesn’t work for New Hampshire, she works for Joe Biden and her liberal donors in Massachusetts and California.  Granite Staters deserve a Senator who will fight for them every single day.  They deserve a true American hero committed to New Hampshire like General Don Bolduc.”

Statement from General Don Bolduc: “For too long, Senator Hassan has turned her back on Granite Staters, siding with President Biden and his dangerous soft on crime policies, out-of-control spending, and open borders.  New Hampshire can’t afford another six years of Maggie Hassan.  I spent my life fighting for this country and that is exactly what I intend to keep doing when elected to the U.S. Senate.”


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