After Debbie Stabenow joined her Democrat colleagues in voting for the Schumer Shutdown last night, the NRSC is launching a new ad campaign highlighting the consequences of Stabenow’s partisan games.
The Facebook auto-play ads are part of a national campaign targeting red state Democrats who voted to shut down the government and take health insurance away from children. The ad reminds Michiganders that Stabenow’s vote means that 82,693 Michigan children will lose health insurance, and critical funding for our troops and seniors will disappear. It may all be a game to Debbie Stabenow, but the Schumer Shutdown hurts real Michiganders.
Click HERE to watch the Facebook auto-play ad.
“Debbie Stabenow’s vote for the Schumer Shutdown will have serious, real world consequences for Michigan children and seniors, as well as our national security,” said NRSC Communications Director Katie Martin. “When it really mattered, Stabenow sided with Washington Democrats instead of Michigan, and voters won’t forget in November.”