President Trump and Vice President Pence won West Virginia by 42 points in 2016, but you would never guess that by looking at Joe Manchin’s record. New ads by the NRSC will remind West Virginians that on all of the key components of the Trump-Pence agenda, Joe Voted No.
The radio and digital ads feature Vice President Mike Pence running down the list of Manchin’s votes against the wishes of West Virginians, including his votes against middle-class tax cuts and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, as well as his promise to vote against a wall on the southern border. Both the radio ad and digital ad, which will run in full length and bumper versions, will air statewide.
Click HERE to view the digital ad.
Click HERE to listen to the radio ad.
“Joe Manchin has let down West Virginians with his consistent votes against the Trump-Pence agenda,” said NRSC Spokesman Bob Salera. “By repeatedly siding with Chuck Schumer and Washington Democrats, Manchin has made it clear he can’t be counted on to stand up for West Virginia.”