Washington, D.C. – The Pennsylvania State Troopers provide security for Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, but endorsed his Republican Senate challenger Mehmet Oz instead. They even “often accompany Fetterman on non-governmental business, including the Fetterman family’s annual vacation to the Jersey Shore, according to records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.”

Also, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon: The police incurred more than $104,000 in expenses for Fetterman from Aug. 2021 to Aug. 2022. Troopers in March also traveled with Fetterman to a campaign fundraiser to Beverly Hills, according to expense reports. State police incurred $3,076 in flight, hotel, and rental car expenses on the fundraiser, the records show.

So, basically the people who spend the most time with Fetterman – besides his family – opted to not endorse him for higher office?? Ouch.

The PA State Troopers said Oz would be “a strong champion for law enforcement officers … at a time when the law enforcement community is facing its greatest challenges.” Fact.

It’s not surprising given Fetterman’s dangerously soft-on-crime record. He is too dangerous for Pennsylvania and his security (the people who spend the most time with him) know it.


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