TODAY: Retread Ted visits the home of Confrere Strategies, a DC lobbying firm.

Retread Ted wasn’t shy about sharing his busy fundraising schedule during a Democratic Party dinner in Ohio last week, even though it “drew murmurs from the crowd when he explained that he had to leave soon so he could fly to Miami, New York, Boston and Washington” to collect special interest dollars.

Retread Ted is no stranger to the DC special interests. In fact, in 2014 Strickland lived in Washington when he served as the president of the liberal Center for American Progress Action Fund…a role he described as his “dream job.”

Despite countless invitations from his Primary opponent to debate the issues in Ohio, Retread Ted would rather crisscross the country collecting money from special interests than make the case to Ohio voters about why he wants to take on Senator Portman.


  • In 2014, Strickland relocated to D.C. where he served as the president of the liberal CAP Action Fund. He said it was his “dream job.” [Strickland was tapped] to promote liberal causes in his home state and across the country as head of an influential Washington think tank’s advocacy arm. . . . [Strickland] begins his job as president of the Center for American Progress Action Fund on April 1. Strickland said in an interview with The Associated Press that he has not entirely ruled out a run against U.S. Sen. Rob Portman in 2016, but he considers heading CAP Action “a dream job” and will devote all his energies to it. . . . As the fund’s president, Strickland will control a budget of about $7 million and oversee two key operations: the closely-followed Think Progress political blog, which sees 6 million unique hits a month, and the CAP Action War Room, which turns Center for American Progress research into action and advocacy. . . . “For me, it’s the perfect job, and I’m really excited about it,” he said. “It will give me the opportunity outside of elective office to work on the things I care about and to be in some ways even more effective than I was able to be as an officeholder.” Strickland said he’ll be based in Washington but continue maintaining a residence in Ohio with his wife, Frances. (The Associated Press, March 19, 2014)
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