Democrats are abandoning Nancy Pelosi in droves after she led them to another election night loss. And now, Jacky Rosen thinks if she runs for U.S. Senate, she might be able to escape Pelosi’s toxic touch. But it won’t be that easy.

You see, during Jacky’s brief tenure in the House, she and Pelosi have been inseparable. After being elected, Jacky used one of her first votes to support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, and has gone on to vote with Pelosi 92% of the time. Pelosi has certainly taken notice of Rosen’s loyal friendship, donating more than $28k to Jacky since 2016. Now that Jacky is running for Senate will she continue her loyalty to Nancy Pelosi, or could a breakup be in the works?

“Nevadans deserve better than a Nancy Pelosi clone representing their interests,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “When voters enter the ballot box in 2018, they’ll recognize Jacky’s loyalty resides with out-of-touch liberals like Nancy Pelosi and not Nevada.”

Rosen Pelosi

Since 2016, Rosen Has Taken At Least $28,000 From Nancy Pelosi
During The 2016 Election Cycle, Rosen Took At Least $14,000 From Nancy Pelosi. (Federal Election Commission, Accessed 6/21/17)
Since January 2017, Rosen Has Taken At Least $14,000 from Nancy Pelosi. (Federal Election Commission, Accessed 6/21/17)

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