Washington, D.C. – Joe Biden is expected to sign Democrats’ inflation scam bill today. In doing so, Biden is breaking one of his core campaign promises: not raising taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Democrats’ so-called Inflation Reduction Act will create an additional $20 BILLION in new taxes on middle-class families. 

Vulnerable Senate Democrats could have prevented this middle-class tax hike, but they decided to take orders from Joe Biden instead. AND they voted UNANIMOUSLY against Senator Mike Crapo’s measure that would have exempted middle-class families from increased IRS scrutiny. Now, during a recession, middle-class Americans are bracing for higher taxes and extra scrutiny from Democrats’ supersized IRS. 

Statement from NRSC Spokesman Jonathan Turcotte: “Working families can’t catch a break under Senate Democrats’ leadership. Prices are skyrocketing while economic growth is slowing. As hard-working Americans struggle to keep up, Senate Democrats are raising taxes and supersizing the IRS so the government can collect more taxes. Vulnerable Senate Democrats could have prevented this, but they’re too scared to stand up against Joe Biden and D.C. Democrats’ big-government agenda.”


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