Bad news keeps mounting for Obamacare in Ohio. In recent weeks, Anthem announced it is exiting the Ohio market, leaving tens of thousands without an insurer, and a federal report showed that premiums in the state have increased by 86% in just four years. And now it seems that Senator Sherrod Brown is feeling the heat, and is trying to run away from his record on the disastrous health care law.

In an email to supporters today, Senator Brown breathlessly accused the NRSC of lying about his record on health care. The NRSC’s message? Senator Brown still supports Obamacare, even as Ohioans suffer from its disastrous effects. Indeed, Senator Brown has been vocal in his opposition to efforts to replace Obamacare, even screaming at a radio host who brought up the law’s negative effects on Ohio earlier this year. So unless the Senator no longer supports former President Obama’s signature health care law (which he voted for), the only lies on health care are coming from the Democrats trying to preserve a law that has failed Ohio.

“It’s not surprising that Senator Sherrod Brown is trying to run from Obamacare given the devastating effects the failed law has had on Ohio,” said NRSC Spokesman Bob Salera. “The fact remains that Senator Brown still supports Obamacare, even as premiums soar and insurers flee the market, putting affordable health care out of the reach of Ohio families.”

brown health care email 0619

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