Washington, D.C. – The University of New Hampshire is out with their latest poll of President Joe Biden’s job performance, and the numbers are truly shocking.

Only 18% (!!) of Granite Staters believe the country is on the right track, and those who don’t (69% of voters) are blaming Joe Biden.  Over the last month, Biden’s approval rating has plummeted a whopping 10 points to 39%, well below the national average.  

Check out some of the trend lines on big issue areas:

red wave is coming in 2022, and this latest UNH poll is sending shockwaves through New Hampshire and Hassan HQ.  Maggie Hassan has tied herself 100% to the failed Biden agenda and will be held responsible by New Hampshire voters. 

Statement from NRSC Spokesman T.W. Arrighi: “That sound you just heard was gasps of shock coming from Maggie Hassan HQ.  Joe Biden and his agenda are despised by Granite State voters and those who have helped bring them to life. Maggie Hassan made the miscalculation of a lifetime when she decided to fully buy into a radical liberal agenda crafted by Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer.  Now, the floor is caving in below her, and her time in the Senate is quickly running out.”


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