If you haven’t heard from Kyrsten Sinema this week, it’s because she’s in San Francisco hobnobbing with her liberal buddies at several swanky $1,000-plus-a-seat fundraisers in the Bay Area. (See here, here, and here for the invites, if you missed them).

It makes sense Sinema would spend so much of her time hanging with California coastal elites, where her self-described “Prada Socialism” probably plays a little better. But if you want to know why Kyrsten Sinema keeps voting with San Francisco liberals like Nancy Pelosi – and against tax cuts for her constituents – you only need to follow the money.

“San Francisco may love Sinema’s brand of ‘Prada Socialism’ but Arizona families just can’t afford it,” said NRSC Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Rather than spending her time sucking up to San Francisco liberals, Kyrsten Sinema should use her time to start putting Arizona families first.”

Here’s a sampling of her fundraisers in the Bay Area this week.

San Francisco Fundraisers

Make America Stronger

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