Wanted to make sure you saw this article from the Detroit News on how Debbie Stabenow refuses to tell Michiganders what she thinks of Sen. Menendez in light of him standing trial for several counts of corruption. Yesterday we asked Stabenow if she plans to return the $10,000 in campaign donations from the shady New Jersey Senator but mum is the word.

Debbie Stabenow: A real profile in courage…

GOP pressures Stabenow about Menendez trial
Detroit News

As the corruption trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez got underway in Newark on Wednesday, the Republican National Committee launched a digital ad campaign pressuring his fellow Democrats to call for his resignation if he’s convicted.

The GOP is targeting senators running for re-election in states that President Donald Trump won last year, such as Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow, who is seeking a fourth term.

In ads on Facebook and Twitter, the RNC notes that Democrats in 2008 called on Alaska’s Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican, to resign after his corruption conviction. (Stevens’ conviction was later overturned).

GOP Senate hopeful Lena Epstein on Wednesday called on Stabenow to donate to charity the $10,000 that she received from Menendez’s New Millennium PAC for her reelection campaign in March.

The Stabenow campaign declined to comment.

Menendez has denied the allegations, which include charges that he lobbied for a friend’s business interests in exchange for political donations and gifts, according to the Associated Press.

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