Next week Senator Feingold will be back in California teaching a class that only Senator Feingold could teach —“The United States Senate as a Legal Institution.”
While teaching a class on the United States Senate in California is a perfect fit for the career politician, we thought we would make some other recommendations for Senator Feingold as he expands his lecture circuit…
Hypocrisy 101. In this course, you will learn how to spend decades advocating for change and then turn around and profit from the system you supposedly wanted to reform. Students will learn how to say one thing and do another. Final exam will test students’ knowledge of campaign finance hypocrisy.
How To Create A Slush Fund for Your Friends 401. In this advanced course, students will learn how to use donations from unsuspecting donors to keep the dreams of being a Senator alive. Students will leave the course understanding how to set up a PAC that will raise millions to pad former staffers’ pocket books. Required prerequisite – Hypocrisy 101.
Retread Candidates 101. This course will explore how to run for the Senate after being firmly rejected by voters in your last campaign. Topics covered include Democrat recruitment failures, recycling the same tired message, and the classic definition of insanity. Taught in conjunction with Egomania 101.
Feingold Geography 201. In this course you will learn about the places (outside Wisconsin, of course) that Senator Feingold has spent the past five years giving paid speeches. From the $12,000 speech at Arizona State in Phoenix, AZ to the $5,000 speech at Bennington College in Bennington, VT – Feingold has been traveling all over to cash in before launching another campaign.