The blindside followed Putin’s defiant "60 Minutes" interview earlier this week – and his meeting with Obama just the day before launching air strikes.

The Washington Post reports that the Obama administration "scrambled" following the "unexpected swiftness of Russia’s air attacks in Syria."

As Politico adds, "The timing of the Russian airstrikes was more than a surprise — it seemed designed to insult the U.S. president and to demonstrate Putin’s swagger at a moment when world leaders are gathered at the United Nations, reassessing global security."

As Putin’s "sudden moves catch the White House by surprise," do these Democrats regret heaping praise on President Obama’s foreign policy?

Michael Bennet:

I think that the people of Colorado think he’s a strong foreign policy president.

Senator Russ Feingold:

[President Obama] is as well informed and intuitive about international issues as almost any president we’ve ever had. And I think that he is going to be a very important president in our history with regard to foreign policy.

He’s [Obama] done a great job on going after those we need to go after, but also in presenting a more positive image of America

Ted Strickland:

Strickland promises that if Obama is elected, Obama will…Repair the U.S.’s standing in the world

Tammy Duckworth:

President Obama will restore the might of the military

The president has also worked to rebuild U.S. standing in the world and repair broken relationships across the globe

Joe Sestak:

[Obama] has truly had success in supporting our military well overseas, removing them where they shouldn’t be

This president very well understands how to use the weaponry of war


In 2012, Michael Bennet Said “I Think That The People Of Colorado Think He’s A Strong Foreign Policy President.” BENNET: “On the other hand, I think the president gets enormous credit for promising to end the war in Iraq and ending the war in Iraq, for announcing a deadline on Afghanistan and sticking with that, when his opponent has basically taken every position possible. And I think that the people of Colorado think he’s a strong foreign policy president.” (Bloomberg’s, “Political Capital,” 10/19/12)

VIDEO: In 2013, Feingold Said That Obama Was One Of The Most “Well Informed And Intuitive” Presidents On Foreign Policy In American History. FEINGOLD: “I think the president is as well informed and intuitive about international issues as almost any president we’ve ever had. And I think that he is going to be a very important president in our history with regard to foreign policy. I think he really cares a great deal about solving problems like the Middle East, problems and resolving the Iranian situation, and making sure we stay ahead of a number of other issues.” (Russ Feingold, Remarks At The World Affairs Council, 2/5/13)

  • VIDEO: Feingold: “I Think That He Is Going To Be A Very Important President In Our History With Regard To Foreign Policy.” FEINGOLD: “I think the president is as well informed and intuitive about international issues as almost any president we’ve ever had. And I think that he is going to be a very important president in our history with regard to foreign policy. I think he really cares a great deal about solving problems like the Middle East, problems and resolving the Iranian situation, and making sure we stay ahead of a number of other issues.” (Russ Feingold, Remarks At The World Affairs Council, 2/5/13)

Feingold Said “It’s Not That Easy To Criticize The President On Any Kind Of International Policy” And Obama Has Done “A Great Job … In Presenting A More Positive Image Of America.” FEINGOLD: “It does matter what people think of us. And instead of coming up with any kind of criticism, because you know it’s not that easy to criticize the president on any kind of international policy. He’s done a great job on going after those we need to go after, but also in presenting a more positive image of America.” (Russ Feingold, Remarks At The New School, New York, NY, 2/22/12)

In 2008, Ted Strickland Said President Obama Would “Repair The U.S.’s Standing In The World.” (Shelley Terry, “Governor Stumps For Obama-Biden At KSUA,” Star Beacon, 9/2/08)

DUCKWORTH: “President Obama Will Restore The Might Of The Military” (Tammy Duckworth, Democratic National Convention, Denver, CO, 8/27/08, 3:53)

DUCKWORTH: “Today, we can change our relations with the world. I believe that America will elect the leader who has always fought to keep our nation’s promise. The leader who can best keep this nation strong. Barack Obama is right for the military. Barack Obama is right for our veterans. Barack Obama is right for our country and that’s why Barack Obama will be our Next Commander-In-Chief.” (Tammy Duckworth, Democratic National Convention, Denver, CO, 8/27/08, 7:11)

Duckworth 2012 DNC Speech: “Barack Obama Has Also Lived Up To His Responsibilities As Commander And Chief." Ending the war in Iraq, refocusing on Afghanistan and eradicating terrorist leaders, including Bin Laden.” (Tammy Duckworth, Democratic National Convention, Charlotte, NC, 9/4/12, 3:22)

In 2011, Duckworth Praised Obama For Working To “Rebuild U.S. Standing In The World And Repair Broken Relationships Across The Globe.” “The president has also worked to rebuild U.S. standing in the world and repair broken relationships across the globe. This allowed Obama to secure the Security Council’s support to prevent a massacre, stop an advancing army and help bring about the end of Muammar Qadhafi’s reign of terror in Libya.” (Tammy Duckworth, “Obama’s Steady Hand,” Politico, 10/6/11)

Duckworth: “Our Troops Need A Commander In Chief Who Sets A Clear Strategy And Is Consistent In His Leadership. But Romney’s foreign policy ideas – like his domestic agenda — have been opportunistic and all over the map. When he sees an opening to criticize the president he takes it — prior positions be damned. His craven attitude to foreign policy is based more on political expediency than real world facts.” (Tammy Duckworth, “Obama’s Steady Hand,” Politico, 10/6/11)

VIDEO: SESTAK: “[Obama] Has Truly Had Success In Supporting Our Military Well Overseas, Removing Them Where They Shouldn’t Be.” “But he has truly had success in supporting our military well overseas, removing them where they shouldn’t be, and second, taking care of veterans as they come home.” (MSNBC’s “Hardball,” 5/18/12)

VIDEO: Sestak: “This President Very Well Understands How To Use The Weaponry Of War.” SESTAK: “I agree, Ed. I don’t think they remember that militaries can stop a problem, but we can’t fix a problem. So, after the defeat of fascism, the war was over. And yet we kept a semblance of stability out there, as the other elements of our power, we constructed Germany into a democratic power on our side today. And so, this is what the president has said. Look, we have decimated the core of al Qaeda in Pakistan. We – it’s metastasized, to some degree, to Yemen and Northern Africa. But they’re focused to do damage within those countries. We will use our drones and other policies, as he laid out specifics on it, to continue to go after them. But he now understood that the United States has other national security challenges, as he pivots, for example, the United States Navy, to the Western Pacific, where the center of gravity of America is. No, this president very well understands how to use the weaponry of war.” (MSNBC’s “The Ed Show,” 5/26/13)

VIDEO: In June 2014, Sestak Said Obama Recognized ISIS Was “Almost Out Of Gas.” FMR. REP. JOE SESTAK, [D] PENNSYLVANIA: “Because we have a president who has made it very clear Ed. This isn’t going to be combat troops that we’re sending 10ths of thousands of them. He had set the end limit of what we’re going to do. And there’s two things hes done, hes made a prudent decision that we’re going to have 300 advisers in there that are going to provide the intelligence and their (inaudible) that only we will give our own people coming from satellites above in order to hand over to the Iraqis. And second, he`s recognized that ISIS, this rebel force is almost out of gas. It stretched with 11 thousand fighters from all the way in middle Syria all the way down to close to Baghdad. And now, they’re up against a military force of Baghdad itself. These are the best troops they’ve got, Special Forces. So what he is doing is putting in our ability to provide intelligence and if necessary very limited air strikes in order to be targeted appropriately prudent and the right to decision.” (MSNBC’s “The Ed Show,” 6/19/14)

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