Washington, D.C. – Last week, the U.S. Senate race in Washington State tightened as Republican senate hopeful Tiffany Smiley gains ground on 30-year Democrat Senator Patty Murray.

This is a clear sign that WA voters are rejecting Murray’s and the Democrats’ failing agenda. This past year, Murray voted with Biden and the Democrats 100% of the time, including a vote to give Olympic sex abuser Larry Nassar a taxpayer-funded stimulus check. She has also been silent on major issues affecting Americans, like Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal (let’s not forget she once praised Bin Laden) and the crime surge in her home state.

No wonder voters are turning their backs on Patty.

Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “Washington State voters are tired of Patty Murray’s almost 30 years in office. She is nowhere to be found and fully supports Biden’s failing agenda that is hurting Washingtonians and Americans across the country. Murray should be worried as voters continue to turn their backs on her.”

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