Six days have passed since Rob Portman announced raising $3.8 million this quarter, and “Retread” Ted Strickland still hasn’t released his fundraising numbers.

REMEMBER: With only $2.6 million cash on hand as of the last fundraising period, Strickland is far, far away from raising the $20 million that his own campaign stated was “mission-critical” in an internal memo.

While Rob Portman’s legislation to combat heroin and painkiller abuse is poised to pass the Senate, Retread Ted’s campaign is facing criticism after a supporter got physical with a campaign tracker. In a video that’s been viewed more than 5,000 times, a Strickland supporter interferes with the tracker filming Strickland and asks, “Are you ticklish?”

READ MORE, from The Washington Examiner:

Midway through the nearly three minute-long video, a man in a blue shirt tries getting in the way of the tracker’s video camera prior to a Strickland event in Toledo where the Democrat unveiled his infrastructure proposal last Thursday. The Strickland supporter sported an American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Ohio Council 8 polo shirt and started interfering with the filming after the tracker raised his camera in the air to get an overhead shot.

"Are you ticklish?" the supporter asked the tracker.

"Sir, you need to stop touching me," the tracker replied.

America Rising told the Washington Examiner that the Strickland supporter has been seen at multiple Toledo-area events in support of the former governor.


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