That’s what Dr. Bill Angel, Professor and former Allen County Democratic Party Chairman, said about Ted Strickland’s refusal to debate his primary opponent P.G. Sittenfeld.

Angel also takes a swing at the Ohio Democratic Party for endorsing Strickland so early and squashing the ambition of next generation democrats noting, “They’re saying no, no, you have to wait in line. You have to wait your turn.”

WATCH the full interview here:

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JEFF GUNTER: What would he have to do to beat Strickland? We haven’t seen the latest polls or anything but his campaign does seem to be picking up steam but why I think it would take a lot to beat Strickland, wouldn’t it?

DR. BILL ANGEL: Yeah and he’s challenged Strickland to debates but Strickland says no, that’s a waste of time. Strickland wants to go around raising money and being very general on issues. But I think the Ohio Democrats made a real mistake by laying hands on Strickland back in April.

GUNTER: And they did it very early.

ANGEL: They did it very early. Because — And they did the same thing in 2010 when they anointed Ed Fitzgerald. We all know how that works out. But more importantly here, what you have is a new generation that wants to come forward. They’re saying no, no, you have to wait in line. You have to wait your turn. And so that’s become somewhat of an issue and Strickland’s refusal to debate makes him look weak and not willing to talk about issues.

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