Washington, D.C. – The Democrat Party is in a bit of a pickle: Which “stars” should hit the campaign trail with Democrat candidates? 

If Biden wasn’t constantly hitting new highs in disapprovals, then that question would be easy: President Biden. But his administration’s and Senate Democrats’ radical agenda is failing the American people – so much so that it “might not have candidates welcoming him on the campaign trail.”

So, if not Biden, then which other Democrat “stars”? According to The Hill:

“Progressive fixtures such as Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren can draw a bigger crowd than Biden, anyway, based on the 2020 Democratic primary cycle. But it’s far from clear if their messages will play well in the swing-districts that will determine the next [Senate] majority.”

Knowing that, it leads us to two questions:

Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “The Democrat brand continues to be toxic and it’s self-inflicted. If Democrat candidates don’t want their own party’s leader on the campaign trail with them, then who do they choose? ‘Stars’ like Sanders and Warren? But they may be too liberal for the ‘swing states’ according to Democrat strategists. Bernie Bro Fetterman and Warren-endorsed Barnes have a tough decision to make: Stay true to their colors or follow the political winds?”


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